For some incomprehensible reason, Tynyanov-the Scientist did not like Tynyanov-the Artist, held him back, exclusively for domestic services, and gave him free rein only in a cheerful company, on holidays, when he wanted to take a break from serious matters.
Korney Chukovsky
Tynyanov – Writer
In 1925, Tynyanov wrote his first novel “Kukhlya”

In “Kukhlya”, a reader is presented with Pushkin, Ryleev, Griboedov, other prominent representatives of the 19th century and, of course, the main character – Wilhelm Karlovich Kuchelbecker.

Turgenev smiled.
When everyone left, he said to Wilhelm in a friendly and at the same time condescending manner:
“I have reverence for the dreams of my youth. Experience often stops the pursuit of goodness. What a blessing that we are still inexperienced!”
Yury Tynyanov,
novel “Kukhlya”
Tynyanov was thoroughly familiar with both the era and the people. He knew a lot about their difficult relationship between themselves and society. About what they wanted and what they gained in the end.

Griboedov is wonderful… You have shown him so convincingly that he must have been such. And if he was not, now he will be
Maksim Gorky

Fiction differs from history not in “fiction”, but in a greater, closer and deeper understanding of people and events, in greater excitement about them. A writer will never invent anything more beautiful and powerful than the truth.
Yury Tynyanov
Tynyanov is not only a historical novelist, historian and literary theorist, but also the author of the scripts for the movies “The Overcoat” (1926) and “SVD” (The Club of the Big Deed, 1927; together with Y.G. Oksman), “Asya” (1928) and others. He writes theoretical and critical papers on cinema, and participates in literary-critical polemics.

The books were published in 1876, in Hamburg.
Yury Tynyanov admired the poems of Heinrich Heine and translated them throughout his life. These translations are notable for their complex work on the rhythm of a verse, with the help of which is recreated the colloquial simplicity and ease with which Heine addressed a reader.
Is it possible to bridge the gap between the past and the future by accidentally looking into the present? The answer to this question will come to you by watching a literary-biographical, slightly fantastic, film about the life of Tynyanov. Directed by Larisa Shchukina. Involved: Nadezhda Voronova, Darya Shchukina, Sarah Volkova, Misha Fedorov. Cinematographer Edgar Shchukin. Rezekne, Latvia, 2019

Since October 2009, when the 115th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Tynyanov was celebrated, the Culture House of Rezekne City National Societies developed a tradition of holding annual evenings of recitation “Tynyanov Autumn”. Schoolchildren and students are invited to participate in the evenings in order to motivate them to read the creations of Tynyanov and not only. They recite the works of Yury Tynyanov and his contemporaries in Latvian, Russian, German, and English. Over the years, the following recitation evenings have been held: “The Literary Heritage of Yury and Lydia Tynyanov” (2016), “Tynyanov and Tsvetaeva” (2017), “Tynyanov and Mayakovsky” (2018). In 2014, 2019 and 2021, International Theater Festivals were held, the participants of which were theatrical performances inspired by the works of Tynyanov and his contemporaries.